works Directed by Takeru Umebara studio basis 2022年10月4日 Directed by Takeru Umebara studio basis 侘び寂び
exhibition 【re:】The Blank Box 2020.06 Naoya Omiya photo exhibition 【re:】The Blank Box chapter1gallery 高円寺 ...
works Pablo Griniche 2022-23 四季(ss/aw)collection Pablo Griniche 2022-23 四季(ss/aw)collection -Black Breath- ...
exhibition FARMILIA 合同展 pablo griniche collaboration 2022.09 FARMILIA 合同展 pablo griniche collaboration @ In the house / Shibuya "Ga...
works HC / J.V.G 2022 Spring/Summer collection <Brand> jean van griniche / heart couture 2022 Spring/Summer col...
works rowbai & Kuroyagi artist photography rowbai & Kuroyagi artist photography rebel: LOW HIGH WHO? EP「Dukka...
exhibition color of the animism 2022.08 color of the animism 写真、音楽、服の合同イベント @ studio Basis sendagaya ...